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Sticky table headers are no longer a stranger to an average website user — unlike on paper when a reader’s eyes can comfortably jump in saccades between top of a lengthy table and the rows of interest, the landscape orientation of most devices makes vertically-long tables hard to read. However, this very conundrum presents itself as a rich ground for UI experimentation that is not available to the printed media.

Sticky table headers, as their name implies, remains affixed to the top of the viewport even when the original table headers are scrolled out of view. They help to clarify the representation and purpose of data in columns when the visual reference to original table headers was lost. Besides that, the aid in orienting users in a sea of tabulated information, therefore avoiding the need to repeatedly, and frustratingly, scroll between the top of the table where the header resides, and the region of interest further down, typically lying out of the viewport.


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Sticky table headers are no longer a stranger to an average website user — unlike on paper when a reader’s eyes can comfortably jump in saccades between top of a lengthy table and the rows of interest, the landscape orientation of most devices makes vertically-long tables hard to read. However, this very conundrum presents itself as a rich ground for UI experimentation that is not available to the printed media.

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Sticky table headers, as their name implies, remains affixed to the top of the viewport even when the original table headers are scrolled out of view. They help to clarify the representation and purpose of data in columns when the visual reference to original table headers was lost. Besides that, the aid in orienting users in a sea of tabulated information, therefore avoiding the need to repeatedly, and frustratingly, scroll between the top of the table where the header resides, and the region of interest further down, typically lying out of the viewport.

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There have been a handful of scripts and jQuery plugins written for the purpose of re-establishing the flow and ease of reading tables. While their implementation is flawless and efficient, they might not be an all-encompassing panacea for long tables. In some cases, tables have to obey certain layout rules that are not accounted for by the aforementioned plugins — such as tables that are forced to overflow due to dimension restrictions (e.g. to fit within a viewport).



Last September, a somewhat promising solution surfaced — a new possible value for the CSS position property is supported in the latest nightly build of WebKit or Chrome Canary. position: sticky sounded like a very promising new JS-free solution to the old and nuance problems of rigid table headers and beyond — its implementation can be also extremely useful in scenarios where a site navigation or a HTML5 app toolbar has to remain in view to the user at all times regardless of his/her scroll position along the document’s y-axis.

What else?

Last September, a somewhat promising solution surfaced — a new possible value for the CSS position property is supported in the latest nightly build of WebKit or Chrome Canary. position: sticky sounded like a very promising new JS-free solution to the old and nuance problems of rigid table headers and beyond — its implementation can be also extremely useful in scenarios where a site navigation or a HTML5 app toolbar has to remain in view to the user at all times regardless of his/her scroll position along the document’s y-axis.